Training & Dual Studies

A-levels or secondary school leaving certificate in your pocket - what now? Start your training or your dual study program at Fraunhofer IPMS. This way you start your professional life with a first-class education, because we offer you an effective combination of theory and practice. The chances of being hired by us after successful completion are also very good.

Maybe you are still looking for ideas for your career choice or you are wondering if your career choice is the right one for you? No problem! With a school internship you can test yourself in various areas with us.

Please apply with your CV, current references and a short letter of motivation via our application portal. Use the button "Apply now".


We accompany our trainees at the start of their careers and prepare them optimally for working life with professional and personal support, extensive expertise and in a state-of-the-art working environment. Take a look at our wide range of apprenticeships in the fields of technology, research and administration.

We also offer dual vocational training with Abitur (DuBAS). You can find more information here (in german).


You should consider the following points for an optimal start:

  • A good secondary school diploma or general or subject-specific university entrance qualification
  • Good to very good knowledge of natural sciences, economics and mathematics
  • High level of personal commitment and sense of responsibility

No master has ever fallen from the sky. Are you worried about a few grades on your report card that could be better? We would still like to see your application. Because what really counts is motivation and passion for a profession.

We value teamwork! That's why we have an trainee project every year, in which our apprentices work together. This way, you quickly get to know all the other trainees at our institute and participate in sustainable projects.

Here you can find a project from the last years.


We train the following professions:

  • Microtechnologist
  • Technical product designer
  • Electronics technician for devices and systems
  • Electronics technician for industrial engineering
  • IT specialist
  • Industrial Mechanic
  • Mechatronics technician
  • Management assistant for office management

We value teamwork!


In our trainee project, you will work together with other trainees on a practical task in an interdisciplinary exchange. This allows you to get to know other trainees and departments at Fraunhofer IPMS and expand your soft skills.

Dual study electrical engineering

A course of study in which you only sit in university all the time is too dry and boring for you? With our dual study program in the field of electrical engineering, you will get to know the practice in our renowned institute in addition to the theoretical university phases and can combine both effectively. After your studies, you will already have valuable professional experience.


You should consider the following points for an optimal start:

  • Good general or subject-linked (technical) university entrance qualification
  • Good to very good knowledge of scientific subjects
  • Strong technical understanding
  • High level of personal commitment and sense of responsibility

Why an apprenticeship or dual study program is the right fit for you

School internship

You don't know what you want to do after school? A school internship gives you helpful first impressions of the professional world and can help you a lot with your future career choice. You can find out for yourself what your strengths are, whether you would rather work technically or in the office, what you like and what you don't like. With us, you can take a look at your future in a variety of areas in an innovative research institute.


You should consider the following points for an optimal start:

  • You can do a compulsory internship at your school or a voluntary internship during the vacations.
  • In case of a compulsory internship, we need a school certificate from you. 
  • Apply for our initiative position for students with your desired area.
  • In your cover letter, please tell us about your interests, your strengths and interests, and the desired period for the internship.