Online / July 11, 2024, 3 pm CEST
SID Mid-Europe Chapter (SID-MEC) Online-Meeting

On July 11, 2024, at 15:00 CEST (UTC+2) 14:00 Portugal (WEST/UTC+1), 16:00 Latvia (EEST/UTC+3), the newly elected officers of the Society for Information Display Mid-Europe Chapter (SID-MEC) invite for their first conference, that will take place as an online meeting.
SID-MEC is the Central European branch of the Society for Information Display (SID). It covers most European countries from Eastern Europe (e.g., Latvia) to Western Europe (e.g., Portugal), yet Southern and Northern Europe too (except those European countries with own regional chapters, such as France and UK/Ireland). SID is the worldwide largest association of scientists, developers, and companies in the electronic and information display domain. Displays include any device that enables image display, such as smartphone displays, projectors, AR/VR smart glasses, televisions, or display devices in automation technology. The conferences, which are held regularly, present the current scientific state of the art concerning displays. Topics range from material science, interfaces and manufacturing to applications of displays. The focus of the summer online meeting is on AR/VR applications with mobile devices such as smart glasses. There will be emphasis on exchange and interaction amongst speakers and participants.
-Please register to join the meeting-
The SID-MEC is organized by four officers. The previous officers have handed over the organization to the next generation in April 2024. The new Officer Board consists of