The design of application-specific integrated circuits facilitates creation of highly complex microelectronic devices such as microdisplays and optoelectronic sensors. The methodology of this design process is based around circuit simulation, layout design, and verification. We create these kinds of designs using industry-standard software tools and implement them in mixed analog/digital CMOS processes in partnership with silicon circuit foundries worldwide. Following fabrication of the circuits in silicon, the functionality is verified by means of wafer-level and component-level testing, then prototypes are created. Transfer to pilot production can then take place on a project-specific basis.
The Fraunhofer IPMS has a unique position in designing microelectronic circuits and components with application- and customer-specific adaptations of silicon circuit foundries’ CMOS processes that allow these finished wafers to be subsequently processed with OLED coatings, for example. This subsequent processing is used in particular for augmenting silicon CMOS wafer functionality with optical and photonic components, such as for high-resolution OLED microdisplays
- Design of microelectronic circuits and modules through application-specific adaptation of CMOS processes
- Industry-compatible circuit simulation, layout design, and verification
- Implementation in mixed analog/digital CMOS processes of silicon circuit foundries
- Prototype fabrication, transfer to pilot production